Detailed Outlines
Course Outliness
1. Building a Simple Network
- Exploring the Functions of Networking
- Host-to-Host Communications Model
- Introducing LANs
- Operating Cisco IOS Software
- Starting a Switch
- Ethernet and Switch Operation
- Troubleshooting Common Switch Media Issues
2. Establishing Internet Connectivity
- TCP/IP Internet Layer
- IP Addressing and Subnets
- TCP/IP Transport Layer
- Exploring the Functions of Routing
- Configuring a Cisco Router
- Exploring the Packet Delivery Process
- Enabling Static Routing
- Managing Traffic Using ACLs
- Enabling Internet Connectivity
3. Managing Network Device Security
- Securing Administrative Access
- Implementing Device Hardening
- Implementing Traffic Filtering with ACLs
4. Building a Medium-Sized Network
- Implementing VLANs and Trunks
- Routing Between VLANs
- Using a Cisco Network Device as a DHCP Server
- WAN Technologies
- Dynamic Routing Protocols
- Implementing OSPF
5. Introducing IPv6
- Basic IPv6
- Configuring IPv6 Routing
Hands-on Labs
- Lab 1-1: Switch Startup and Initial Configuration
- Lab 1-2: Troubleshoot Switch Media Issues
- Lab 2-1: Router Setup and Initial Configuration
- Lab 2-2: Configure a Static Route, DHCP, and Network Address Translation
- Lab 3-1: Enhance the Security of Router and Switch Configuration
- Lab 3-2: Device Hardening
- Lab 3-3: Filter Traffic with ACLs
- Lab 3-4: Enhanced - Troubleshoot ACLs
- Lab 4-1: Configure an Expanded Switched Network
- Lab 4-2: Configure DHCP Server
- Lab 4-3: Implement Single-Area OSPF
- Lab 5-1: Configure Basic IPv6
- Lab 5-2: Implement IPv6 Stateless Auto-Configuration
- Lab 5-3: Implement IPv6 Routing
- Lab 6-1: ICND1 Super Lab
Objectives and Pre-requisites
Course Objectives
- Describe how networks function, identifying major components, function of network components and the Open System Interconnection (OSI) reference model
- Using the host-to-host packet delivery process, describe issues related to increasing traffic on an Ethernet LAN and identify switched LAN technology solutions to Ethernet networking issues
- Describes the reasons for extending the reach of a LAN and the methods that can be used with a focus on RF wireless access
- Describes the reasons for connecting networks with routers and how routed networks transmit data through networks using TCP/IP
- Describe the function of Wide Area Networks (WANs), the major devices of WANs, and configure PPP encapsulation, static and dynamic routing, PAT and RIP routing
- Use the command-line interface to discover neighbors on the network and managing the router's start-up and configuration
To fully benefit from the ICND 1 course students should have basic computer literacy, Windows navigation skills, Internet usage skills, and email usage skills