Detailed Outlines
Course Outlines
Introduction to CiscoWorks LMS 4.0
- Defining Network Management
- Exploring the Network Management Process
- Introducing CiscoWorks LMS 4.0
Getting Started
- Installing CiscoWorks LMS 4.0
- Logging into CiscoWorks LMS 4.0
- Using the Getting Started Workflow
My Menu
- Understanding My Menu
- Managing Dashboards, Portlets, and Portal Layout
Inventory Management
- Collecting Inventory and End User Information
- Performing Device AdministrationPerforming Device Administration
- Viewing and Creating Inventory, User Tracking, and Switch Port Reports
- Using Inventory Tools
Configuration and Software Management
- Managing the Configuration Archive
- Verifying Configuration Compliance
- Using Configuration Tools
- Using Configuration Workflows
Network Monitoring and Troubleshooting
- Visualizing the Network with Topology Services
- Monitoring Network Performance
- Monitoring Network Response Time
- Monitoring Syslog Messages
- Monitoring Network Faults
- Using Troubleshooting Tools
CiscoWorks LMS Work Centers
- Using the Smart Install Work Center
- Using the Identity Work Center
- Using the Auto Smartports Work Center
- Using the EnergyWise Work Center
CiscoWorks LMS Administration
- Using the Trust Management Menu
- Managing Collection Settings
- Performing Network Administration Tasks
- Performing System Administration Tasks
- Performing Other Administrative Tasks
- Lab 1: Getting Started with LMS 4.2
- Lab 2: Device Credential Repository
- Lab 3: LMS Portal and My Menu
- Lab 4: Inventory Collection and Reports
- Lab 5: End User Tracking
- Lab 6: CiscoView, MiniRMON, Device Center, and SmartCase
- Lab 7: Configure Archive
- Lab 8: Config Editor, NetConfig, and Template Center
- Lab 9: Software I Management
- Lab 10: VLAN Management
- Lab 11: Topology Services
- Lab 12: Health and Utilization Monitoring
- Lab 13: Monitoring Network Response Time
- Lab 14: Syslog Analysis and Change Audit
- Lab 15: Device Fault Manager
- Lab 16: NetShow and Troubleshooting
- Lab 17: Smart Install Work Center
- Lab 18: TrustSec Work Center
- Lab 19: Auto Smartports Work Center
- Lab 20: EnergyWise Work Center
- Lab 21: System Maintenance
Objectives and Pre-requisites
Course Objectives
- Describe fundamental network management concepts
- Describe the CiscoWorks applications in the LMS bundle
- Prepare the various CiscoWorks repositories, databases, and applications for use
- Maintain an asset inventory using CiscoWorks tools for documenting the network and generating reports
- Manage network connections using CiscoWorks tools to view and troubleshoot network device, end user, host, and IP Phone connections
- Manage the configurations of network devices using CiscoWorks tools that help archive, modify and detect changes
- Monitor the network using CiscoWorks tools that measure response time and device performance
- Manage the network faults, using CiscoWorks tools which help detect and isolate problems so they can be addressed before causing further network service degradation
- Describe various CiscoWorks system administration tasks.
The knowledge and skills you must have before attending this course are as follows:
- Knowledge of basic Cisco IOS commands
- Knowledge of basic Cisco Catalyst OS commands
- Basic knowledge of TCP / IP
- Basic knowledge of Microsoft Windows
- Basic Internet browser navigation skills
- Basic e-mail usage skills