Implementing Cisco Unity Connection (IUCv8.0)

Detailed Outlines

Course Outlines

Module 1: Introduction to Cisco Unity Connection This module describes the Cisco Unity Connection, its various platform overlays, deployment models, networking, and integration options.

Lesson 1: Describing Cisco Unity Connection This lesson defines how to describe the various Cisco unified messaging products and Cisco Unity Connection, design, implementation, database, and message store.

  • What Is Cisco Unity Connection?
  • Platform Requirements and Overlays
  • Message and Data Store

Lesson 2: Examining Integration This lesson defines how to identify the attributes of integration and the differences between integrated and unified messaging, and where Cisco Unity Connection provides the voice- messaging solution to the business environment.

  • Attributes of an Integration
  • Cisco Unity Connection Telephony Integration
  • Supported Telephony System Integrations
  • Cisco Unity Connection PIMG/TIMG Branch Consolidation
  • Cisco Unity Connection Integration with Exchange
  • Integration versus Unified Messaging
  • Access to Voice Mail

Lesson 3: Examining Deployment Models This lesson defines the various deployment models and implementations.

  • Standalone Deployment Model
  • Active-Active High-Availability Deployment
  • Digital Networking Deployment Model
  • VPIM Deployment

Lesson 4: Examining Cisco Unity Connection Licensing This lesson defines the licensing options that are available in Cisco Unity Connection 8.x and the FlexLM licensing process.

  • Licensed Features Using the FlexLM Process
  • Cisco Unified Workspace Licensing
  • License Installation

Module 2: Cisco Unity Connection Installation and Integration This module explains the installation process and procedures for installing Cisco Unity Connection 8.x software. It is important to understand the various preparatory steps that must be completed before beginning the installation. The installation process includes a number of important configuration steps and option settings that must be fully understood. Finally, you will need to understand how to integrate the Cisco Unity Connection software with a new or existing phone system, and verify the proper installation using the various tools that are available in Cisco Unity Connection software.

Lesson 1: Preparing to Install Cisco Unity Connection This lesson provides an understanding of the steps that are needed to prepare for a successful implementation of Cisco Unity Connection software.

  • Pre-Installation Tasks
  • Server Sizing Considerations
  • Verification of NTP Configuration
  • Verification of Network Connectivity
  • Verification of DNS Configuration
  • Documentation of Configuration Settings

Lesson 2: Installing Cisco Unity Connection This lesson provides an understanding of the various installation scenarios for Cisco Unity Connection software and the configuration steps to complete each installation. Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to meet these objectives:

  • Installation Tasks
  • Installation of Cisco Unity Connection
  • Installation Startup
  • Platform Installation Wizard
  • Basic Installation
  • First Node Configuration
  • Subscriber Installation
  • Platform and Application Installation
  • Installation Using the Cisco Unified Communications Answer File Generator
  • Apply a Patch During Installation

Lesson 3: Examining Post-Installation of Cisco Unity Connection This lesson provides an understanding of the various tasks after installing the Cisco Unity Connection software.

  • Post-Installation
  • Verification of Application User Login
  • Activation of Feature Services
  • Examination of Log Files
  • Configuration of Backup Settings
  • Network Management Configuration

Lesson 4: Integrating Cisco Unity Connection This lesson provides an understanding of the integration of Cisco Unity Connection software with Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express.

  • Integration with Cisco Unified Communications Manager
  • Integration Verification
  • Integration with Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express

Module 3: Digital Networking Configuration This module provides an understanding of digital networking for Cisco Unity Connection 8.x software. Cisco Unity Connection servers and clusters provide a maximum number of users that each server configuration supports. Cisco Unity Connection enables you to network multiple servers and clusters to expand the number of users beyond these limitations. Digital networking allows multiple servers and clusters to operate as a single cohesive system, providing reachability and transfer capabilities between servers.

Lesson 1: Preparing for Digital Networking This lesson explains the preparations and design considerations that must be made for networking Cisco Unity Connection servers.

  • Overview of Preparation Tasks
  • Requirements for Digital Networking
  • Display Name and SMTP Domain Verification
  • SMTP Connectivity Verification
  • Design Considerations

Lesson 2: Joining Servers to a Digital Network This lesson defines how to join Cisco Unity Connection servers and cluster pairs to a digital network to expand the current limitations of Cisco Unity Connection.

  • Digital Networking Concepts
  • Digital Networking Deployment Models
  • Process of Joining Two Servers
  • Manual Configuration for Digital Networking
  • Configuration for Automatically Joining a Digital Network
  • Digital Networking with a Smart Host
  • Linking of Digital Networks
  • Digital Networking Verification

Lesson 3: Performing Post-Networking Tasks This lesson defines how to perform the various required tasks after the digital networking configuration and verification is complete.

  • Configuration of Search Spaces for Networking
  • Configuration of Distribution Lists
  • Configuration of Cross-Server Login and Transfer
  • Configuration of Phone System Trunks
  • Digital Networking Consideration

Module 4: VPIM Networking Configuration This module provides an understanding of Voice Profile for Internet Mail (VPIM) networking for Cisco Unity Connection 8.x software. Cisco Unity Connection supports the VPIM protocol, which is an industry standard that allows different voice messaging systems to exchange voice and text messages over the Internet or over any TCP/IP network. This module will explore the VPIM protocol and the Cisco Unity Connection implementation of VPIM.

Lesson 1: Examining VPIM This lesson provides an understanding of the VPIM protocol and the steps that are necessary to prepare a proper implementation between Cisco Unity Connection and other remote voice message systems.

  • Overview of VPIM Networking
  • Preparation for VPIM Networking

Lesson 2: Configuring VPIM Locations and Contacts This lesson provides an understanding of the configuration steps that are required to create VPIM locations and contacts.

  • Configuration of VPIM in Cisco Unity Connection
  • Creation of Contacts

Lesson 3: Customizing VPIM Features This lesson defines the VPIM features and characteristics of creating, modifying, and deleting contacts.

  • Customization of VPIM Contacts
  • Configuration of Alternate Names

Module 5: Advanced Integration Concepts In many organizations, there may be a need for other integration features that are available in Cisco Unity Connection. This module provides an understanding of some of these advanced integration concepts that are available, such as Cisco Unity PBX IP Media Gateway (PIMG), T1 IP Media Gateway (TIMG), fax integration, SpeechView, and Live Record features.

Lesson 1: Describing Cisco Unity PIMG/TIMG Integration This lesson provides an understanding of traditional PBXs using PIMG and TIMG devices.

  • Overview of PIMG and TIMG
  • Configuration of PIMG/TIMG

Lesson 2: Examining Fax Server Integration This lesson provides an understanding of the fax integration concepts and configuration in Cisco Unity Connection.

  • Overview of Fax Integration
  • Configuration of Fax Integration
  • Test Procedures for Fax Integration

Lesson 3: Describing the Live Record Feature This lesson provides an understanding of the Live Record feature, as well as its integration, function, and configuration.

  • Overview of the Live Record Feature
  • Configuration of the Live Record Feature
  • Test Procedures for Live Record

Lesson 4: Examining SpeechView This lesson provides an understanding of the SpeechView feature in Cisco Unity Connection.

  • Overview of the SpeechView Feature
  • Configuration of SpeechView

Module 6: Cisco Unity Connection Tools Cisco Unity Connection provides a number of tools to assist engineers and administrators with migration and troubleshooting. Consolidated Object Backup and Restore Application Suite (COBRAS) is used to migrate from older versions of software and Cisco Unity to Cisco Unity Connection 8.x. The Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool (RTMT) provides a suite of tools that includes monitoring, alerts, and traces to allow engineers to monitor performance and troubleshoot Cisco Unity Connection. Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), which is an application layer protocol, facilitates the exchange of management information among network devices. As part of the TCP/IP protocol suite, SNMP enables administrators to remotely manage network performance, find and solve network problems, and plan for network growth.

Lesson 1: Examining COBRAS This lesson provides an understanding of the function, purpose, and configuration of COBRAS.

  • Overview of COBRAS
  • COBRAS Export
  • COBRAS Import

Lesson 2: Examining Cisco Unified RTMT and SNMP This lesson provides an understanding of the function, capabilities, and configuration of the Cisco Unified RTMT application, as well as the SNMP parameters.

  • Overview of Cisco Unified RTMT
  • Capabilities of Cisco Unified RTMT
  • Configuration for SNMP Support


  • Lab 2-1: Verify Cisco Unity Connection Default Services
  • Lab 2-2: Configuring Cisco Unity Connection Phone System Integration
  • Lab 3-1: Implementing Digital Networking
  • Lab 3-2: Managing Cross-Server Login and Transfers
  • Lab 4-1: Implementing VPIM Networking
  • Lab 5-1: Using the Live Record Feature
  • Lab 6-1: Operating the COBRAS Import Tool
  • Lab 6-2: Using the Cisco Unified RTMT
  • Lab 6-3: Managing Cisco Unity Connection Disaster Recovery

Objectives and Pre-requisites

Course Objectives

  • Describe the Cisco Unity Connection system and the various deployment models
  • Describe the process and procedures for installation of the Cisco Unity Connection software
  • Describe the function, purpose, and configuration of digital networking in Cisco Unity Connection
  • Describe additional integration concepts, including fax servers and Cisco Unity PIMG/TIMG integrations
  • Describe the Cisco Unity Connection tools that are available for migrating, testing, and troubleshooting


The knowledge and skills you must have before attending this course are as follows:

  • Basic understanding of fundamental terms and concepts of computer networking, including LANs, WANs, and IP switching and routing
  • Basic knowledge of traditional public switched telephone network (PSTN) operations and technologies, including PBX and voice-mail administration tasks
  • Basic understanding of Cisco Unified Communications Manager or legacy PBX implementations

Classroom training
Duration: 3 days
Price: US$ ----
CLC: 28

Course Schedule:
Egypt, Cairo,  Jan 2015
Dubai,  Feb, 2015
Qatar, Doha, May 2015

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